A book that saved my life? Saved is a pretty big term. I don't think my life as ever really need saving, but that's all in the eye of the beholder. One book does come to mind, and sure enough, if it wasn't my m.o. already, its a "graphic novel." But this one is very far off the path of superheroes and tights. Its called Blankets by Craig Thompson.
To be honest, I haven't read it in nearly six or seven years. I think I was a freshman in high school when I read it and I was doing the whole "I broke up with my first real girlfriend and I'm a sappy bitch" phase and I was bored while I was working at the library. How I came to love comics and graphic novels was because of that job anyway, so this all makes sense. I would get all the necessary work done and then hide in the ever-expanding graphic novel section and read everything. I read (and actually disliked initially) V for Vendetta. I read some graphic novel about that dude from the Real World who died of AIDS. I read Spider-Man crap. I read Y: The Last Man. I read the Watchmen. I read Blankets.
Blankets is an extremely personal autobiography about the teenage life of Craig Thompson. It didn't echo what I was going through, but I could sympathize with the characters and due to the great storytelling that was hidden in the story, I got over the break-up (which was really pedestrian anyway) and moved on with life. I haven't read it since, but the conclusion I reached, the conclusion I can't even put my finger on, still stays with me to this day.
I don't know if that makes sense.
10 months ago