Switch the names and he becomes a she.
I'm thinking there's some kind of worldwide conspiracy regarding this. Ireland, being the drunk sexists that it houses, couldn't handle their posterchild writer being a female so they made Joyce switch her first name with her last name. That's also how last names started to precede first names in libraries.
Joyce James is a good writer in the historical sense. Her works house good stories and as much Ulysses annoyed me with the giant freaking run-on sentence, its still a good story. What bothers me the most about Ms. James is that she seems to love to confuse the hell out of the reader by giving too much detail at the outset and, in her very distinct style, turning multiple phrases in one sentence (per 10 pages).
That style frustrates me but I really can't hate on her work that much because the stories have the base quality that most writers try to emulate. That 'je ne sais pas' that most of Belinda Shakespeare's work has.
What holds her back is the world she lives in. You can see in James' writings that she just wants to say "I am woman, hear me roar!"
I believe someone wrote in their blog that Joyce James' writings should be read by literature and writing connoisseurs. I agree with that.
I still hate the double standard put forth by her work. She can be all confusing and use run-on sentences but if I pulled that, it'd be marked up from here to infinity. Just a thought...
10 months ago
Haha, I liked this post.
Of note: it's been said of classical music that you'd have to be dead for people to like your music. Maybe you have to get famous before anyone will let you truly take liberties in literature.
So... Where's your fifteen minutes?
Hm. Maybe it's your blog. You are being read and followed, after all. Maybe you should try to be as difficult as you can.
Or not. That might actually be mean to your readers... seeing as we're having quite enough fun with "Joyce James."
What I am saying here, really, is that you make some good arguments. :)
I actually know a woman, a poet living in Houston, who has published at least one book, and her name is Joyce James.
Unfortunately, JJ was a dude. See your fellow bloggers for more backup on that. And keep reading Joyce, recalling my promise: it can't hurt and it might help.
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